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There are 3050 Records, Showing 39 page
UR Group starts pet food production (Dec 3, 2022)
The Italian company UR Group, which has over 50 Petfarm stores and specialises in software solutions and digit...
Mars Petcare appoints Alanna McDonald (Nov 26, 2022)
Mars Petcare announced Alanna McDonald as the regional president for its Mars Pet Nutrition division in North ...
Croci acquires Creaciones Arppe (Nov 26, 2022)
Italian Croci Group has acquired the Spanish company Creaciones Arppe. The takeover will enable Croci to advan...
Mars Petcare appoints Daniel Calderoni (Nov 26, 2022)
Mars Petcare has announced Daniel Calderoni as general manager of its pet nutrition business in Canada. He was...
Beco achieves B Corporation Certification (Nov 19, 2022)
The British pet products company Beco has achieved B Corporation Certification. The company, which markets foo...
Aqua United takes over Flipper distribution (Nov 19, 2022)
The aquatics company Aqua United, which is based in Germany, has announced that it is to assume exclusive resp...
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There are 3050 Records, Showing 39 page